Fusie en Overname
- Het informatiememorandum
het Ondernemersbelang
- Accounting Aspects of International Mergers and Acquisitions Chapter in the International M&A Joint Ventures and Beyond – Doing the Deal (co-author)
- Business Valuation, Nexia’s European Newsletter
- Liability and Due Diligence, Nexia’s European Newsletter
- The International Handbook of Financial Reporting, Nexia International, hoofdstuk over Nederland
- Financial Statements Around the World, Spicer & Oppenheim International, hoofdstuk over Nederland
- Dutch Legislation with respect to Valuation of Capital Interests and Consolidated Accounts
- Securities Markets Around the World, Spicer & Oppenheim International, hoofdstuk over Nederland
- The International Handbook of Corporate Governance, Nexia International, hoofdstuk over Nederland
- Doing Business in the Netherlands, een uitgave van Horlings
- Biotech Opportunities in Europe, Establishing and Operating a Health Care Biotech Venture, Hoofdstuk 14, Transfer Pricing
- Client Based Costing in the Pharmaceutical Industry, gepubliceerd in het Export Info uitgave van Chemical and Pharmaceutical Industry en in Transmitter
- Tax Savings via the Dutch Connection, Holland – USA Magazine